Our next Webinar
Incivility in the Workplace
with Alain Joffe
Thursday 27th March 2025 12pm-1pm
Our next Workplace Webinar session is on Thursday 27th March, will focus on Workplace Incivility. Defined as low-intensity deviant behaviour with an ambiguous intent to harm, incivility manifests in various forms. It encompasses actions that are rude and discourteous, reflecting a disregard for others.
Within the workplace, these behaviours can be subtle, such as casting “dirty looks,” interrupting colleagues, or hovering impatiently over someone’s desk. More overt actions include questioning professional competence, hurling insults, and undermining credibility.
Join us online to meet Alain Joffe, who will focus on how incivility can affect your workplace, and share tools and ideas on how to effectively address and mitigate these challenges.
Joining details:
Topic: Incivility in the Workplace – Guernsey Mind Webinar
Time: Mar 27, 2025 12:00 PM Europe/Guernsey
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88401385729
Meeting ID: 884 0138 5729
Presenter: Alain Joffe
Alain Joffe is the Chief Growth Officer for MyGrow, a platform dedicated to fostering personal and collective growth by developing the emotional skills essential for navigating life with ease. Alain is a staunch advocate for solving business challenges through digital and people-centric solutions.
Based in Cape Town, South Africa, Alain will bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this webinar session.
Previous Webinars
Joining the Dots
between leadership, mental fitness, organisational structure and performance
Lisa LLoyd explains how many companies are focusing on the wrong thing – fixing poor outcomes, rather than focusing on what is needed for employees to succeed.
Find out how to achieve good mental health by focusing on the factors that impact it. Good mental health is the positive outcome when you join the dots between employee experience and engagement.
Watch now
This webinar is provided free of charge. If you feel you would like to make a donation to Guernsey Mind to support the work we do in the Bailiwick, you can do so here.
Presenter: Lisa LLoyd
Law firms: The cost of culture
Gemma Ellison talks about the hidden cost of culture in law firms and how to create healthy and inspiring performance environments, along with how to attract, develop and retain the best talent.
Although aimed at law firms, the knowledge Gemma shares can be applied to all businesses and includes:
- The importance of data
- Having a clear plan
- Relentless inclusivity
- Psychological safety
- Increasing capability
- Creating a team of leaders
Watch now
This webinar is provided free of charge. If you feel you would like to make a donation to Guernsey Mind to support the work we do in the Bailiwick, you can do so here.
Presenter: Gemma Ellison
Beyond the To-Do List: Tasks vs Relationships
We all have long to-do lists; getting things done to maximise productivity is the ultimate goal. However, when we overfocus on tasks to the detriment of our relationships, we end up with lower productivity.
In this webinar session, Mike Hohnen introduces polarity thinking to illustrate why finding a healthy balance between tasks and relationships is essential as well as looking at how the quality of relationships impacts the quality of our work.
Watch now
This webinar is provided free of charge. If you feel you would like to make a donation to Guernsey Mind to support the work we do in the Bailiwick, you can do so here.
Presenter Mike Hohnen