It is widely recognised that mentally healthy workplaces experience less absence, increased productivity and greater customer satisfaction, yet 1 in 6 workers experience depression, anxiety or stress.

By taking a proactive approach we will guide you to develop an action plan that will support mental wellbeing. This will aim to increase mental health awareness, reduce stigma, and introduce simple and effective management tools to help employees stay at and/or return to work. To ensure widespread change throughout an organisation the early support of senior management is vital. We recommend a pyramid approach; train managers first, then raise staff awareness.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact Louisa Mace

Raising Awareness

Over half of those with a mental health conditions report feelings of isolation, loneliness and lacking companionship. By raising awareness, we can reduce the stigma and feelings of isolation that many people deal with on top of their condition. This session gives a general introduction to mental health, looking at stress and how it impacts us, the signs/symptoms of poor mental health, what supports are available and how to develop practical tools for positive wellbeing.

Training details

Cost: £400 per session

Delegates: Up to 30 people per session

Time: 1 hour

Raising Awareness plus…

This training session is perfect if you are looking for a little more focus on specific subjects. It has been developed to give a general introduction to mental health, looking at stress and how it impacts us, and the signs/symptoms of poor mental health. Then there is a choice of topics to focus on:

  • Anxiety – looking at how we react to normal anxiety and the impact that it can have on us if it is longer lasting.
  • Listening – learning how to become better at active listening and the skills to support people.
  • Resilience – understanding resilience and how we can use it to our strengths.
  • Burnout – what is it and how do we take action.

Training details

Cost: £450 per session

Delegates: Up to 30 people per session

Time: 1 ½ hours

Listening Skills

Talking about mental health can be difficult and awkward, but it doesn’t have to be. Nor do you need to be an expert to engage in conversations. Just asking someone “How are you feeling?” rather than “Are you ok?” can make a huge difference to the response. Working in groups, we discuss and practice skills of how to start conversations, listen actively and support people more effectively.

Objectives of the session:

  • What is Active listening? What are the barriers?
  • Why interpretation is important and how to ask questions.
  • Setting boundaries and looking after ourselves.

Training details

Cost: £450 per session

Delegates: Up to 30 people per session

Time: 2 hours

Managing Teams

According to a Business in the Community report in 2020, 62% of managers say that, at times, they have put the interest of the organisation above the wellbeing of their colleagues. This may not be due to lack of empathy, but a lack of understanding how to support. This session provides people who are managing teams with information and resources around mental health. These can then help managers develop the skills to better understand the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and how to support the individual as well as the team. Through group work and open conversation, we discuss the reasonable adjustments needed for an employee to return to and stay in work, whilst considering the impact on the wider team.

Objectives of the session:

  • Understand the connection between mental health and wellbeing and the workplace.
  • Recognise some of the signs and symptoms of the most common mental health conditions.
  • Discuss recovery and how best to support team members.

Training details

Cost: £550 per session

Delegates: Up to 20 people per session

Time: 3 hours